Possibly Under Government-Sponsored Attack

Roger Ver’s service is reportedly under a government-sponsored cyber-attack. The famous crypto influencer and entrepreneur made the news public via Reddit not long ago. The post contains a screenshot took of an email received by Ver that depicts a Google Suite alert about a potential intrusion.

The screenshot also indicated that the potential attackers/hackers were attempting to compromise one of the’s email accounts. “Because is building tools to bring economic freedom to the world, we are likely under government-backed attacks,” Ver declared.

Interestingly enough, a fellow Redditor asked “how does Google determine an attack to be “government-backed”? What are their criteria?.” The entrepreneur simply replied with the answer he himself got from Google: “We can’t reveal what tipped us off because the attackers will take note and change their tactics.”

Google’s security technology put to good use

The event comes before the series of major security revamps at Google which took place in 2017. Google now sends alerts for government-sponsored cyber-attacks when it detects suspicious emails (maybe even malware-loaded emails), brute force attacks, and phishing attempts.

Google’s new ultra-high-tech security protocols are capable of detecting attacks carried out from the infrastructure of identifiable government-linked cyber espionage associations, known as Advanced Persistent Threats, or APT.

“You might ask how we know this activity is state-sponsored. We can’t go into the details without giving away information that would be helpful to these bad actors, but our detailed analysis—as well as victim reports—strongly suggest the involvement of states or groups that are state-sponsored,” Eric Grosse, the Vice President of Security Engineering at Google, declared related to the government-sponsored attacks.

As to why would anyone attempt to attack is pure speculation at this point. This might be nothing or a very big warning call for other big cryptocurrency enterprises out there.

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