Charles Haskinson of Cardano [ADA] on EOS is Raising more Money Than Cardano

In a Ask-Me-Anything [AMA] meeting led by Founder and CEO of IOHK Charles Hoskinson Answered Several Questions Asked by Members of the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Room.

This is about the correlation between different cryptocurrency ecosystems, which attracts capital against the success they achieve. Specifically for EOS and Tezos, Hoskinson stated that they can best utilize their blockchain, which is a short-term enhancement of the ecosystem.

It has been reported that EOS has earned around $ 4 billion, while Cardano has only been able to use $ 60 million as capital for ecosystem development. In this context, the user also asks whether the money received influences the success of these ecosystems.

Responded by Hoskinson specifying that the world’s second largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum, only made about $ 18 million to get there, while the front area in the cryptocurrency space was not war capital. In his words:

“It’s pretty funny that number one cryptocurrency raised $18 million to get where it is, and the number one cryptocurrency Unfortunately, it did not produce anything, so if you think about it, there’s strong evidence in the room – the amount of money, that you do not really gain much with your ability to succeed.”

He then talked about Monero [XMR], the first bulletproof data privacy integrated into his ecosystem. Hoskinson also noted that bulletproof is a great invention and will likely succeed after the necessary audits. According to IOHK Founder Bulletproof will prove very beneficial for Monero.

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