Monero Will be the First Billion-Dollar Cryptocurrency to Implement the “Bulletproofs” Technology


A highly anticipated technology designed for privacy has scalable blockchain to be tested shortly.

Called “bulletproof” This technology, invented by entcoders Benedict Bunz and Jonathan Bootle, promises to significantly reduce the weight of confidential transactions. A cryptocurrency dealer will release the test on Thursday, October 18th.

Implement the first large cryptocurrency technology monero, focused on how to implement the tests gunshot last year, to reduce the size of its confidential transactions at least 80%.

In addition to the scale of the problems that manage in most blockchains, Monero is accompanied by additional privacy layers, heavy computing and unsafe business.

Scalability Confidential transactions is a major barrier to the $ 1 billion blocks because users had to pay high transaction costs and run a full node to increase storage costs.

Also, the cryptocurrency activates the technology in the next update of the complete system or bifurcation. A kind of update that requires all nodes to adopt new software, rigid forks are sometimes considered a risky process. However, this update is part of the half-year Monero cycle to introduce new features.

“We are thrilled,” said Sarang. “Part of the reason we’re doing the updates is for us to be safe from the corner, and I think it’s a very good step forward.”

In the future, Monero researchers are looking for more ways to remove the experimental monero to the size that a day could be complete to remove the ring signatures.

Sarang works at Monero Research Lab called a development section for monero, dedicated to the analysis of scientific innovations in cryptocurrency, and the decision to apply them to monero.

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