Monero [XMR] Confidential Transactions Originally Proposed for Bitcoin [BTC], says Sarang Noethe


Justin Ehrenhofer, the organizer of Monero collaborative workgroup, recently held an informal talk with Dr. Ing. Noether Sarang, a full-time researcher at the Monero research laboratory and responsible for organizing the conduct of audits conducted for the test of bulletproof implementations.

In the interview she covers a wide range of topics, which contained the idea of ​​confidential transactions and the reasons for their implementation. Sarang expressed:

“So the idea of ​​confidential transactions was originally suggested as a suggestion for this CAM things exist in Bitcoin and were presented by some of the developers who worked with the reviews.”

Monero transactions were divided into denominations and to hide the ring companies or fake the exits and maintain the identity of the anonymous person. He added:

“After all, if you do not have to worry about denominations for look-you need to do that, clustering means that you can just wrongly extract any output from previous transactions you want, and then mix it with the ring form.

According to him, it was more difficult to do this with Monero than with Bitcoin, as it was important for them to “play well” with the signing of the ring. He also added that it was this and that technical reasons for dignity he would be happy to share resources is exactly how it works. Sarang expressed:

“So the morality of the story is what we do when the crowd hides, it has to play well with the ring signatures, because that’s how we work and how we do it is what is called cryptographic engagement.”

He explained that when a user sends Monero reviews to another person, the amount of the transaction is hidden rather than linking it to the single amount previously felt by the user. This process is called cryptographic commitment in the amount of Monero sent is multiplied by another larger number in order to obscure or hide the transaction amount with an additional blinding factor.

Instead of having the amount in a transaction, there will be an epileptic curve gold random “blob” of data, which by itself cannot provide information to the observer. He added:

“It’s as if a stain was that of signing these ring cams and now it’s coming out to someone else.”

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