What is Faws?

In the ever-fluctuating crypto market, it is important to stay informed about the latest developments and news, especially if you’re an investor. But scouring all the sites to keep up to date can be tiring and time-consuming. Luckily, there are such things as news aggregators. But not any type of aggregator will do; what you need is a news aggregator focused exclusively on all that is crypto related.
Faws is one of such aggregators. The application helps crypto enthusiasts and investors keep abreast of the latest happenings in the world of digital currencies.
The website has incorporated useful features for traders and investors, from real-time price alerts, portfolios, news updates and coin price hits.
Faws brings together in one place news from over 40 media channel, including Business Insider, Forbes, Bitcoin.com, CoinDesk, Bitcoinist, Investing.com, and CoinTelegragh.
Key Features
The User Interface
The website features a comprehensive and easy-to-use interface. Users can select what platform to get news events from and disable platforms they consider unnecessary.
The Latest Cryptocurrency News
On its homepage, FAWS features news articles from your sites of interest and on your coin choices. Here you can also filter the news articles according to coin or token names. You just have to type in the search box the name of the crypto you wish to monitor, and only articles, news, reports, and press releases will be featured.
Coin Prices
The Coins tab of the website displays the live prices of cryptocurrency coins and tokens in the market, having a similar interface to Coinmarketcap. The prices featured on the platform are averages of prices from major cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bitstamp, Gemini, Bittrex, Bitfinex, Poloniex, Cryptopia, and CoinMarketCap.
The prices are ranked according to market cap by default, but they can also be ordered and displayed based on their daily market volume, price, and percentage changes.
By clicking on the ‘star icon’ in front of coins, you can follow the coins you are most interested in. Coins added to the favorite section are congregated and shown on the “From Favorite” section of the Coins tab, enabling you to follow the prices in a much more convenient and facile manner.
Portfolio Management
Even though crypto wallets allow you to store multiple coins and tokens, there is no wallet that is compatible and lets you store all your coins.
This creates a disadvantage, as you have to store your coins in various places, and it can be difficult managing a scattered portfolio. To solve this dilemma, the FAWS platforms makes available a Portfolio section that lets users keep track of their investment by entering the number of cryptocurrencies they hold.
The portfolio manager helps users calculate their percentage gain or loss from the acquired price.
Coin Price notification
This feature alerts you when specific prices that you selected have hit. With this feature, you don’t need to be waiting around all day for your coin to hit, as the app notifies you via phone text. This is a very useful tool for investors that do not have time to monitor 24/7 the market, and are only interested in particular values reaching their target.
If a subscription is paid, a user can be alerted multiple times a day, but a free registration lets you have a maximum of 3 alerts per day.
FAWS lets crypto traders and investors keep up to date with the latest happenings in the cryptocurrency market in an effortless way. The platform features a set of incredibly useful tools that lets its users set themselves ahead of the game.